Daddy Pat's Music

Monday, March 29, 2010

Post Surgery

Well, I am finished with both eyes and can see clearly again. I mean really clearly. I am amazed at the clarity of vision I now have. I still have about a week of drops to do in the left eye, which was the last eye completed. I can now see in bright lights both during the day and at night. I am glad I had it done.

If you have or get cataracts, the docs will tell you they have to go for a spell before they want to remove them. All I can say is if you have trouble seeing in bright lights during the day or night, maybe they should come out. Let me explain what I mean. During the day, sunshine, or lights from store lights would enter my eyes and I think because of the cataracts, the light would be scattered across the eyes in an unnatural way making seeing difficult. I went over the crest of a hill one day prior to surgery, sunlight hit me in the eyes, and it was like a blinding whiteout, more so than you would normally get. I would often duck my head to shield my eyes from the light or pull my hat down when I was in a store. So, there you have it.