Daddy Pat's Music

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 Year of Medicine

Wow, getting old really sucks. Finished my colonoscopy this morning. Looks like we do it again in 3 instead of 10. Saw my eye doc to get new glasses and he said, I should see the eye surgeons to have my cataracts removed. I had been told they would not need to come out for some time. I think I agree with my eye doc as my vision is really slipping. So, I am waiting on the consult with the hopes we can get the eyes done this year, and sooner the better. I will hope to complete my dental work with an implant and crown before Fall. And the topper for 2010 is, I hit the 60 mark. I am really old and I don't want to be.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Made It

Well, the Christmas crush is concluded. We dressed the tree and house, fed the family, opened gifts, and ate at our neighbors home. Soon, all the dressing will come down and a new year will be upon us. Can we "HOPE FOR REAL CHANGE?" One other great thing this season, BYU actually beat someone in a football bowl game. GO COUGARS.
In spite of the crush of people in the house, things went pretty well. Thanks to all who provided food, gifts, and good company. Wishing you all a great New Year. May it be filled with love, prosperity, and good health.