Daddy Pat's Music

Monday, December 29, 2008

From White to Green in Three Days

Well, easy come easy go. We, like so many in the state got dumped on with snow to the tune of about 20 inches in Mount Vernon. I shoveled three days in a row to keep the drive and sidewalks clear, which did pretty well. We continued to get snow, though very small amounts that took little effort to move away. We then got some pretty good winds, which just cut the snow. Then the rains came and that is all she wrote for the snow. By the time we left MV on Saturday, we had green grass in the back yard and the cement pad was almost clear. Now maybe they will get out and take care the trash.
Thanks to those who gave gifts. You didn't have to, but thanks. We, Brandi and I had a nice Christmas. We had Christmas dinner on the 26th with members of her family and opened gifts on that day. Good time by all and the house was back together soon after all had left. You know I am not crashing with a messed up house, no way.
Love to you all and wishing you a best of New Years. Mind will be made when we sell this damn house in Hansville.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland

We made our weekly trip to MV on Friday. We did our usual shopping trips around town. I was dragging around my right leg for the better part of the day and it just wore me out. I have developed a plantar fasciitis, which is a pain in the foot. I also picked up a new novel by Michael Connelly (The Brass Verdict); very good. I would finish it on Saturday.

Friday night, we also set up our new fake, 9 foot Christmas tree. Since we are not around except on weekends, having a live tree didn't make much since.

When we got home, I was shot. I went to sleep at 7:30 P.M. and woke up at 1:30 A.M. and was quite ready to get up, but I fought it for a while only to say forgetaboutit, and got up at 3:00 A.M.,went down stairs and read, and called my brother Pat in Indiana.

Saturday was more shopping, sleeping, and reading. We did go to a party at friend's home just a few down from ours. It was fun. Good food, Diet Coke aplenty, and adult beverages for those who drink such things. We also played a Christmas quiz game with 18 questions. I would love to say I got close to winning, but that would delusional thinking. Brandi did, however, win. Actually, I can't remember what she won. We also did a gift exchange, but with a twist. You could open any gift, keep it, or someone could steal it from you. I did not open a gift. I stole the gift from our friend Lorrie. It was a box of Hot Chocolates; seven boxes with six packets per box. I actually gave her three of them the next day so she could send them to her Hubby who is soon to be in Irag.

Oh, but prior to going to the party, it began to snow and it did not stop. We must have gotten 5 inches of this beautiful snow. It really makes the Cascade and Olympic mountains beautiful.

Sunday morning, Brandi put the lights on the tree. It therefore looks like a "Brandi Tree", that would be a mix and match of lights, with no real symmetry. Oh well.

Take care.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The End Of A Very Long Year

Haven't had much to say in the positive vain, so I have decided to not write anything. I do wish to say thank you to all who made Thanksgiving a wonderful time, and for all of you in Spokane who made that trip, though short, a very nice, fulfilling trip. To Tammy and Jenny an especially big thanks for the Chai.
Well, we are into December and our 15th month of paying two mortgages. Frankly it is weighing me down both financially and emotionally. It does little for my moods having to go through another Christmas without being able to give.
Not much I can do about anything, so I will just go on.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Back From Hawaii

After taking the red eye out of Lihue Airport at 11:50 P.M. we landed at SeaTac at about 7:10 A.M. We had a very good stay with good weather, good seas, great snorkeling, and lots of rest. For me though, much of the good was squashed by the BHO presidential win. I may just be in a fowl mood for the next four years. Suffice to say, I will not say much or the boys in black suites will surely come to speak with me, and I do not look good in orange. Although I will say, anything could happen between now and January.

Pictures will follow soon or at least after I get my digi fixed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dark Days Ahead

Needless to say, we have been making our weekly trips up North only to return to a house that won't be sold. Somebody shoot me.

Anyway, we leave Wednesday for Hawaii, which I am looking forward to. Sun, warm water, and a good book, perfect for getting my mind away from this house and this election year.

It will take a miracle for McCain to win. The little Marxist and his army of illegal voters, media, and illegal campaign contributions from over seas will likely win. We will then watch to see if the the Marxist get the big number in the Senate and House like they think they will. If they do, they will implement a socialist agenda that will set this country back for an incredibly long time.

I just read where the ATF broke up a bunch that wanted to execute the little Marxist, too bad. Not nice, but war isn't very nice. Taking my money and giving it to some slob who won't work or someone who is in this country illegally, is just wrong.

Well, that is all for now. Better shut down before the boys in black suites show up. Oh, if the little Marxist wins, head for the sporting goods store any buy any guns you think you will want. It won't take them long to kill the Second Amendment.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not Much Goin On

I talked with my brother Pat this afternoon and he indicated that the old blog was a little flat. Well yea. What does one think is going to be written about when you are retired? My life evolves around the care of two houses and surviving the paying of two mortgages and doing yard work on both houses. If I didn't have my novels to read, I would likely be in the nut house.

Suffice to say we went up to the weekend retreat in MV where I did what, cut grass and finished with the pare tree, and read. We were going to see a movie, but the little lady had a tough time getting it going and the movie started at 10:30. It is a $5.00 showing, which is pretty good.

So we did some shopping. Brandi bought a new light jacket and looked for a sweater. She found the one she wants at Christopher Banks, but needed to print out a coupon that will save her some money. We also went to the library where she picked up a new novel by Earl Emerson (a Seattle author and real fireman). I picked up another Nelson De Mille novel (Word of Honor).

I guess the big news is a neighbor, Stephanie and Tim, let us borrow a 19 inch TV. Now we don't have cable hooked up, but we do have over 300 DVDs to look at. Last night we watched the second Pirates of the Caribbean. We wanted to see the scene where the guys fall into the river. We saw it and we have in fact swam in that very river on one of cruises. That was cool. Actually the river was really cold.

So, for me that was the weekend. Now we got home and I found a 5 inch rat dead inside the garage door and a dead bird in the dinning room. Does anyone want two cats? Yikes!!!!

Well, that is it for this time. Maybe something exciting next time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Wet Weekend Up North

Brandi, Eli, and I went up to MV on Thursday night in my pickup. We extended the flower bed on the North side to be able to accept our pare tree and two other blueberry bushes. Brandi turned the soil last weekend and we used the pickup to pick up a half yard of garden soil and some additional bricks to complete the little wall. You have seen the pictures so you know what I am talking about.

Though is rained on us a little, it was just a little. When we got it done, we got cleaned up and read in our novels. I finished my novel by Christopher Reich and Brandi was working on another James Patterson novel.

Saturday morning we went to the movies to see a movie we thought was going to be good, Appaloosa with Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen. Actually, the trailer for the film is the best part of the movie.

After the movie, we packed up and head back to Hansville as we had a birthday party to attend that evening on the island. Our friend Gale was celebrating her 60Th with about 20 of her friends. Good food and good company.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just A weekend

Our weekend in MV was just that and nothing more. I did my weekly yard clean up and cleaned the house, i.e. dusting, vac, cleaning baths, and vacuuming. I also read in my novel by Christopher Reich called Numbered Account. It is a ton. It has 758 pages. That is 2.5 novels by most authors.

Brandi turned some sod and reconfigured some stones on the back garden bed. She is making a space for the pear tree and blueberry bush. In the scheme of things, this is a small project.

We did go to a $5.00 show on Saturday where we watched Miracle at St Anna. It is set in WWII and I had some tough times with watching GIs get killed. I think it might have been one of the best Spike Lee movies ever.

Oh, the house was shown on Friday morning. No offers.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birch Bay Family Retreat

Brandi and I had our children and grand children up in Birch Bay at the World Mark facility. We had secured four two bedroom units, and the management was good enough to put all four a the rooms at the end of one hallway.This let us keep our doors open to facilitate easy flow from room to room.

On my side of the family, I had three of my daughters: Jenny and husband Michael, DeAnne, husband Justin, and granddaughter Katelyn (age 2), daughter Britany, and son Jared and wife Michelle, and grandson Ethan (will be two in October). Jenny and Michael were caring for my oldest daughter Tammy's son Braeden (age 7). Tammy, husband Aaron, and granddaughter Alura (15) had to remain in Spokane as Alura had drill team responsibilities.

Everyone got in at a pretty good time, which was around dinner time. Kristie, her husband Michael, son Hunter( he will be two in December),and Amanda got in a little later due to a job interview that Amanda had in Seattle. Amanda's guy Keith got in later coming up on his 1000cc motor cycle. What a stud.

For those who were there, we cooked up some pizzas and hit the feed bag. I guess most of the rest of the evening was spent cleaning up, settling in, and going to the pool, and hot tub. The pool and hot tub were a definite hit with everyone.

Saturday breakfast was the responsibility of each family. I had a bowl of oatmeal, orange juice, and grabbed some bacon from the table of my children. You see, I don't get bacon at my home, so when I can steal some, I do. More pool time. I did go over to the rec room and did some weights. I did some pull ups and squats on the Smith machine, some curls with dumbbells, and lat pull downs with the lat bar. I knew I would pay for the squats the next day, and I did. I could hardly walk. I really like doing squats with a Smith machine, so you pay the price. I also paid the price for the dumbbell work as my left wrist is blown and doing the curls did not help things at all. Oh the battles we fight. Brand, Kristie, Amanda, Michael, and Hunter took off after breakfast to go into Lynden so they could pick up some food items as they did not bring stuff with them. Some of us also played a game called Apples to Apples. I will let someone else explain this game. I didn't win.

In the afternoon, the herd climbed into vehicles and drove over to the park that had miniature golf and go carts. Thirteen adults and our seven year old grandson Braeden got clubs to do battle with the course. It is here that DaddyPat lost perspective. On most miniature golf courses, I can get most holes done in two or three, and some in one. This course was impossible. It wasn't until two days later that I realized that I should have played the course like a real on and played for pars and birdies.

After getting back to the resort, some went back to the pool while Brandi prepared dinner for this small army. Spaghetti, salad, and garlic toast was the menu with brownies, and ice cream for dessert. It was really good with little left over. We did make way too much spaghetti, but at least all were fed. More pool time and socializing for the rest of the night. Brandi and I were able to get some reading in, though not as much as we would have like.

Sunday morning and checkout morning was filled with breakfast of pancakes and eggs. Well done and all were quite filled. Lots of packing and moving furniture back and forth, and restocking the dinner wear to their respective rooms.

I think everyone had a good time. We couldn't have had better weather. We enjoyed beautiful sunsets and sunshine during the day, without stifling heat. I think everyone would like to do it again. Brandi and I will look for a place next year. All was good.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Just Another Weekend

As indicated earlier, we did very little this weekend in Mount Vernon. I did get the grass cut and put down a pesticide to rid the lawn of Crainflys. I was also able to change out my line cartridge for my weed eater. Easiest one I have ever done. And for the most mechanically challenged guy that I am, it was nice. Also took the mower in for a tune up. Watch, now it will likely run like crap.

Brandi and I also had dinner at the Olive Garden on Friday. Saturday morning at 11:30, we took in a movie (Traitor). I was okay. I would have preferred the new Nick Cage film, but.

We both did some reading. I finished my novel by Jeffery Deaver and Brandi finished her James Patterson novel and began a new novel by Emerson.

On Sunday, we attended a pancake breakfast at her church. Really good pancakes, ham, scrambled eggs, and juice.

All in all, not a bad weekend. Next weekend Birch Bay family retreat.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back Home

One of the first things I noticed upon returning home was that my sneezing was back on and secondly, my right eye started watering like a river again. Funny that these things did not manifest themselves while I was back East.

So, I am back in the daily routine of caring for a house I would like to get rid of. But, we still own two homes. We are changing Realtors this month, so perhaps something good will come of it. We have also dropped the price below the 300K level. All right already, just somebody buy this dang thing!!!!

We will be heading up to Mount Vernon on our weekly sojourn to the North. I know I have to cut the lawn, but other than that, I think Brandi is going to put a coat of pain on her wall in her room. That leaves my time to read. I have picked up a Jeffrey Deaver and Christopher Reich novel. I have read both of these guys before, so I have a good handle on how they write. Deaver is author of The Bone Collector that was made into a movie with Danzel Washington as the star.

Looking forward to next weekend in Birchbay, Washington where we will entertain all of our children and grand children except my daughter Tammy and her family. They have school commitments with Alura my granddaughter. She is on the drill team and has some events to be at, so the family is staying to support her.

So, until next time, Ciao.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On The Move

Got up at 5:00 A.M. Saturday morning, showered, shaved, and had a little breakfast before Brandi and Eli drove me to the airport to catch my flight to Phoenix, the first stop in my route to Corydon, Indiana. Easy drive and got to Southwest Air with lots of time. Said good byes to both Eli and Brandi and gave kisses and hugs to both. Had a bit of a line to get through when I got to the Southwest Air area, but it went really fast.

Got through the security part and walked down to the gate. I stopped at a Starbucks to get a Chai and while standing there to order, a young Army Captain, Chaplain came up behind me. I passed on an opportunity to "pass it forward" once before and I wasn't going to let this one get away, so when I ordered, I paid for his order as well. It is a feel good thing.

Landed in Phoenix on time though with a bit of a heavy landing. Our pilot really touched down heavy and it was teeth rattling. Nice airport in Phoenix. I had a little over an hour, so I walked around and decided to buy a hat. I picked up a Diamondbacks baseball team hat, which has a snake on the front and it is a maroon color.

Flight time came, boarded, and took off for Louisville, Kentucky where my brother Pat would pick me up. As it turned out, we landed about 30 minutes ahead of schedule, which does not happen very often. Hooked up with Bro, drove over the Ohio river to Indiana, and to his apartment. We did not do much talking as we were looking for a quick getaway the following morning. I had my typical difficult sleeping pattern, which I experience often when traveling.

Day 2.
We were up and on the road at about 6 o'clock A.M. We traveled up Highway 64 then caught Highway 71, which took us all the way into Ohio. We stopped in Cincinnati for breakfast and coffee for Bro. and then back to the road. Highway driving is what it is, so we pasted through both large and small communities seeing only what one could see from the road, which was a lot of trees, grass, and farm land, mostly corn fields. Only once did we see deer. This my brother's new Kia Sorrento. Nice ride.

Making really good time, we made it to Erie, Pennsylvania, where we picked up Highway 90 East. This would take us all the way into Buffalo, New York, and beyond. At about 5 o'clock P.M. after making some good time and distance, we decided to stay over in the community of Batavia, New York. We got a room at a Budget 8. Okay room. No breakfast. Room was clean as was the bathroom. Took dinner at a Bob Evans. We watched some news and then tried to sleep. I got some, but it was not great.

Day 3
Pat gets up very early and it was 2:30 A.M. on this particular day. I woke about 4 and he suggested we head out, which we did. Before leaving Batavia, we stopped at a 24 hour McDonald and he got coffee and I a large orange juice. Then on to the Highway. We continued down Highway 90 until we hit Troy and then got off and got on Highway 7. This route would take us through Vermont for quite some time, and then would turn into Vermont route 9. We would travel through some of the most historic communities of Vermont like Bennington and Wilmington. We would cross over Hogback Mountain with it's wonderful vistas of the Green Mountains.

Onward toward New Hampshire and through the ubiquitous small towns that dot the map of New Hampshire. We pasted wonderful views of lakes and territory. Our fist major community was Keene where you will find Keene Teachers College. Route 9 would take us to the town of Hopkinton, which is where I grew up. We traveled through the small historic town to Brockway Road. This is a gravel road that I grew up on. At one time, my family, my Uncle Harry and family, Uncle Jim and family, Uncle Bernard and wife, Cousin Sonny and family, Aunt Alice and family, and our Grandmother lived on this road.

The homes that these family members have changed some, with the acceptation of Grandmother's home, which showed only a change in color.

We traveled down a gravel road that went straight from Farrington Corner Road all the way across to Clinton Street in Concord. Many new homes exist in area that we once hunted and fished on.

We arrived to South Street, which is the street my Sister Donna and husband Tom live on at about 12:20 P.M. We did not expect anyone home so we took some lunch at a restaurant on the corner of South and Clinton Street. I had a Rubin and Bro a BLT. We finished and decided to go see our Uncle Roger and Aunt Joan. They live in subsidized housing for seniors.

Both looked good, though much older than when I saw them last. To our surprise, our Aunt Gerri was there. She was visiting over the past week and was flying that day back to Montana. We had not seen Gerri in over 20 years and she did not actually know who we were. We had a nice visit for about an hour. Our cousin Kenny, Roger and Joan's son stopped by just before we were to leave. Hard to imagine at 42 years of age with his own 19 year old son. More to follow. Oh,this is Scooter the perpetual eating machine of my sister. He weighs in a a right ready 15 pounds.

Day 4

Day four welcomed us with a very nice, gentle rain in the morning. Since we were recovering from the drive, needing to shower, and eat, it did not matter. It made for a very comfortable temperature and cleaned the air. Since my niece Amy and her three children came to say hello, which was an inside activity, it didn't matter that it was raining. Once the rain and Amy had left, my sister, Bro, and I drove to Contoocook, New Hampshire where my father is buried, and also is the town in which Hopkinton High School is located, the school that I attended. We visited with dad for a spell and admired the new head stone.

With that done, we returned to Concord and did some grocery shopping, and then pretty much sat around and visited, watched TV, napped, visited, ate, and so on.

Day 5
Not much going on day five except visiting and some shopping. Wednesday both Tom and Donna took the day off. We sat about and caught up on events. Tom had made spaghetti sauce and we had that for dinner with salad, and french bread. We have been following the Olympics. Got some better sleep, but still getting up around 6 A.M.

Day 6

Bro and I decided to go back out to Contoocook to do some work around the head stone and military marker. What we did was clean up around the edges. The military marker has to be even with the ground so grass can easily encroach upon the marker. After discussing the fact that we have four spaces in our plot and it does not appear that there will be a candidate for this spot, so I have been attempting to contact the Cemetery trustees, to inquire about selling this one space back, but with little luck. I am also concerned that my Uncle Harry's military marker is missing from where it was placed.

Day 7

This was just a day to be. Sis was working her way up to be sad upon our departure and Tom, her husband was working on keeping her from going down too deeply. Bro did some laundry and I did some rearranging of my suitcase. Early to bed to attempt to get some sleep. For me it would continue to be a difficult sleeping process.

Day 8

This was a travel day and we just followed the route out of New Hampshire through Vermont, New York, and into Pennsylvania. We stopped in Erie, PA for the night and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. They gave us a nice suite on the first floor, which helped facilitate my brother's addiction to nicotine. We ate dinner at a Bob Evans that was just a couple yards down the street. Game back read and watched some TV. Bro was asleep by 8:00 P.M.

Days 9-14

While at my brother's place, we do not do much of anything, but visit. He goes up to the hill and visits with his friends at the local AA club. Since it is a smoking den, I choose not to go up unless I really have to. We watched some movies, took some dinners out, did some tanning sessions, and continued to fight my sleep. There will be nothing like being home and being squeezed between Brandi and Eli in my own bed.

Here are some pictures of a patch of tobacco plants before cutting and cut, and placed on sticks that will then be hung until the leafs are all brown.

We did watch a few movies: Beowulf, The Scorpion King2, and Flawless. Flawless wasn't bad. Had Demi Moore and Michael Cain, set in England early 60, and was about a diamond heist.

We also ate out a couple of times at a Chinese Buffet. Really good food and not the typical stuff you get at a buffet. We went back twice, so that should say something positive about the place.

Also on this trip, I finished reading four novels by Robert B. Parker. He is the author of the Spenser books. Maybe someone remembers Spenser for Hire the TV program?

Flying out on Saturday into Chicago Midway and then into Seattle without a hitch. We actually got in early and Brandi and Eli picked me up and we then drove up to Mount Vernon where I did some yard work in the front. Bad sleep that night. Went down about 8:30 and was a woke by 2:20. Biorhythms were on the wrong setting, but they are getting better.

Well, that is about it for the trip. Oh, we did learn that we could have flown to New Hampshire than driving. Lesson learned.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Road Trip

Saturday morning, I will fly out for my first leg of my trip back East. I will depart Seatac at 10:00 A.M. and fly into Phoenix. This will be my first time into Arizona leaving only four states to visit. I will then fly into Louisville arriving at about 9:30 P.M. My brother Pat will pick me up and we will return to his home in Corydon, Indiana.

With luck, we will rise early to hit the road. Our plan is to be through Cincinnati before rush hour. Oh, we will be driving from Indiana to New Hampshire where we will stay with my sister Donna and her husband Tom.

We will stay with Sis until the 27Th of August and then head back to Corydon. I will fly back to Seattle on the 30Th arriving in at about 4:30 P.M.

I will give an accounting of how things go and post some pictures as well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good Eating in Concrete

Another weekend up in Mount Vernon. We got up on Friday afternoon and I immediately cut the grass and had a conversation with one of the ground guys who take care of the common areas. We discussed fertilizer. The stuff they use Ultra-green by Lilly Miller really looks like it works better that what I had used from Scott's. So, he dropped some stuff down on the front and back lawns and I watered. We will see.

We actually got some very nice rain in Mount Vernon, which we really needed. So with the weather being foul for doing much, we decided to run up to Concrete, Washington, which is located on Highway 20. Brandi was looking through our telephone directory (fun reading, right?)
and started talking about the bar and grill there called the Cajun Bar and Grill. I called to check on opening times, fond they were open for lunch, and we shot up.

Let me tell you, you do not have to go to New Orleans for good Cajun food. Having spent almost three years in New Orleans and the area, I can tell you this was some good eating. I had started with seafood combo, followed by cat fish and asparagus, hush puppies, and finished with a piece of pecan pie. My first thought was the pie was bit on the small size, but after eating it, I was glad for the size. Pecan pie is very reach and any more would have been over the top.

Brandi decided to have the crab ravioli and said it was delicious. I tried a bite and agreed. She finished with bread pudding. We both agreed we have had better.

Other that the above, all we did was read and listen to the rain come down. We each finished our novels, she a James Patterson (The Beach House), and I a Richard North Patterson (Degree of Guilt). Right towards the end of my reading, I realized I had read this book some time ago. This one scene just popped out and said "YOU'VE READ THIS." It happens.

Oh, we still own two houses. Yahoo!!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

101 Things About DaddyPat

Blame DeAnne for this. I hope you find it interesting. It is not an easy task.

I was born in Concord, New Hampshire at 1137 P.M.
I think the Granite state is one of the best in the country.
I am the older twin brother by 4 minutes.
There was a time when I was a baby that the doctors thought I would never walk or develop. My head had been crushed by a nurse.
I have a sister who is six years younger and a younger brother that is 15 years younger.
My parents divorced when I was 16.
I grew up in a rural town on a gravel road surrounded by my cousins.
My life was shattered in the third grade when I couldn't subtract fractions. LOL
I got my first kiss in Kindergarten.
I am named after my father Robert.
Favorite color is blue
Favorite food is steak
Favorite desert is ice cream
Best book ever read was The Bourne Identity.
Favorite movie-City of Angels. We should all love as deeply as Seth.
I have read over 560 books, not including the scriptures.
Radio preference is Christian music
Unlike DeAnne, I do like country music.
My graduating class had 38 students.
I have a BS in Social Work from Brigham Young University.
I have a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Louisville.
My favorite sport growing up was baseball.
I have thrown three no-hitters in my baseball career.
At the age of 8, I was chosen as most improved player on my team.
My best score in bowling is a 275.
I am the best winner.
The worst loser
I graduated in 1968.
I joined the Army when I as 17
Four months after turning 18, I was in combat in Vietnam.
I was a trained sniper for my unit in Vietnam. Don't ask.
I have a web site regarding my time in Vietnam: I haven't done work on it since 911.
I am a critical person, especially of me.
I am a Reagan Republican.
I have no tolerance for Liberal anything, though I do have Liberal friends.
I have little confidence in politicians ability to make this country better.
I cannot stand a messy house or clutter.
As a parent, I said "NO" too often.
I think the best place to stand is anywhere one can view the ocean.
The second best place to stand is on a mountain.
My first car was an orange 1972 Volkswagen Super Beatle.
I confess, I am rude to telemarketers.
I watch Survivor and not much of anything else.
I listen to Rush Limbaugh on KTTH 770.
I am a water snob. I won't drink Seattle water.
My first job was cleaning a chicken coop for 75 cents an hour.
I love listening to my children sing. Thank you Debbie.
I cannot carry a tune in a bucket.
My heart truly hurts when we lose someone in uniform (military or police).
I cut my own hair, not much left to cut.
The person I have read the most on is the prophet Joseph Smith.
I am not mechanically inclined.
As a child, I had mumps and measles at the same time-Yike!
I have been to every state except: WI, ND, SD, AZ, and RI.
I know the capitals of all 50 states. I don't know the capitals of the other 7 states that Obama spoke about.
I am a Sagittarian
I love the smell of coffee, yup, babies, and my wife.
I hate to cook.
The Olive Garden is my favorite restaurant, for now.
I wear Keen sandals almost year round.
I, we own time-shares in Mexico and Hawaii.
I love reading the Old Testament. The two major themes: Love of God and Obedience.
I believe we all should learn to ask for what we want. It saves having to make someone else a mind reader.
I like to play poker on-line for fun, though I really suck at it, most of the time.
My favorite ball team in baseball is the Boston Red Sox.
Favorite football team is the New England Patriots.
I do not like the NBA.
I hate loud people in restaurants. I believe in a social level in communicating in public.
I have little tolerance for aggressive drivers.
I believe that one must give 100 percent of self to that person you are involved with. You and that person lose if you give only 50 percent.
Though I probably didn't always do it, I think the most important time in your child's life are those few minutes you give at the end of the day.
I prefer living in a rural community than a big city.
I prefer not to eat with my fingers, it is why God made utensils.
Unlike DeAnne, my daughter, I have been stung by bees. In fact, once I was stung 27 times by wasps that came from a nest in a tree, which was hit by a softball.
I think blogging is an excellent way for disseminating information to friends and family.
We should all embrace our inner child. That child is the one that lets US play.
Spring is my favorite time of the year.
My longest run, when I could run, was 13 miles, and averaged 7 minutes per mile.
My fastest mile was 5:15 when I was a junior in high school.
I snore. I get that from my daughter DeAnne. LOL
I cannot play any musical instrument.
I love brown eyes, especially those of my granddaughter Katelyn.
I believe "fighting" in a relationship is not bad, but how we do this is important. Be fair, be true, and seek for resolution. Attack the issue, not the other person.
Never be willing to win at all cost if it means you make your spouse a loser.
I enjoy shooting guns.
I do not go hunting anymore. I would rather shoot wildlife with a camera.
Victoria, B.C. is one of my favorite places to visit. I'd live there if they would let me.
I personally think my family life was the best when we were stationed in Germany.
My step-mom was my aunt. LOL You figure it out.
I have owned four dogs. Eli is a most incredible dog that I now own. If you meet him, you love him.
I have been owned by one cat, Ming Jade. She is a seal-point Siamese and lives with my friend Angela. I miss her a lot.
I did not like the movie Dark Knight.
I have never read a Harry Potter or the Twilight novels.
In my sophomore year in high school, I had the fastest typing speed.
I once won an award for penmanship. You'd never know that now.
My lowest score for nine holes is a 38. I followed that with a 51. Somebody shoot me.
If I fished, I would catch and release, except for Salmon. Them I eat.
When I find an author I like, I will read their entire body of work. See my list of authors. CW stands for complete works.
The one talent I wish I could have would be able to sing.
I am a terrible proofer, so if you see dublicates, let me know.
I am glad this is over, but I hope you will find it interesting.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Shootin-up-bang, bang

We did our obligatory trip up north as usual. Cut the grass and edged, but that was all the yard work. So quick. I just love it.

Kristi and Hunter spent the night with us. Michael, Hunter's dad was in MV for a shooting competition. He is dad, and a friend were up shooting clay birds. Those three stayed at a motel due to the early rise. We went up for a spell on Saturday and watched. The ladies and Hunter watched from a distance, but I was right behind the shooters. Wow! Some of the birds are really moving and on this course, you moved around from station to station and got a different look at birds. Some were moving just above eye level, some were moving away from the shooter, some were coming from way up and away, and then one station had a "rabbit". This is a larger disc than the bird type and runs along the ground.

I can see why there were over 400 shooters at this event. It looked like a lot of fun. I actually found a shotgun I liked. It only cost $4100.00. But, they had one that sold for $65,000.00. My thought was this sucker better not miss.

You might wonder how they could get through 400 shooters. Imagine 300 acres and multiple courses with groups of 5 or six shooters per station rotating. It moves really fast.

Saturday, they had a dinner for the shooters, but Brandi and I elected to stay home. Each of us had picked up new novels from the library, so we read.

Oh, I forgot. Along with Kristi, Michael, and Hunter, was Cougar. She is a German short-haired hunting dog and she does hunt. Cool dog, but she has some real issues. She is fixed as is our male dog Eli. Eli has never had a sexual inclination whatsoever, but this little trouble maker was all over Eli. Stiffing, rubbing, and the humping thing. Eli about took her head off more than once. I really believe Cougar has a gender confusion, or penis envy issue. Good grief. I can tell you Eli was really happy to see her leave.

So, we are back to our Week day home in Hansville still waiting for a buyer. If you know someone who wants to live with a view of the water and mountains, and have a pool, and marina available, sent them over. LOL

Thursday, July 31, 2008

One in Hand is Better Than a Maybe From a Realtor

What do you know? The buyer who might proffer a contract on our house was in fact turned down by another seller, but they did not come back to us, they put another offer on some other house. The result of this is Brandi feeling crushed. Thank you miss realtor. DON'T TELL ME SOMETHING MIGHT BE COMING!!!!!! So the wait continues.

As another weekend comes upon us, we are heading up North. We will have guests this weekend. Kristi, Michael, and Hunter will be spending the weekend with us. Michael is participating in a shooting match held in the foot hills of Mount Vernon. It is trap shooting. That is they shoot at clay disks. Michael won $300.00 dollars last year, though it did not cover the entry fees. But a win of any size is a good thing.

My main focus this weekend will be to find a piece of polished steel to use as a new spindle for the wheel barrow. I think, if I can fine it, then I can buy a new tire with bearings, and we will have a very good wheel barrow.

Not really sure what Brandi will be up to except playing with Hunter. I do know that both of us will do some reading. Later.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Change in the Weather

Wow! Two days ago, I was sitting by our community pool soaking up some rays with the temp at about 80. For the past two days, it has been in the 60s, gray, and wet. Yesterday we had winds up into the 30 mph range, which made the temp feel more like 50 degrees. Looks like more of the same today.

If you noticed, the background on this blog changed. I noticed that all of my children's blogs had some cool background and I thought I would get one. Well, being the dimmest bulb in the chandelier, I had to have DeAnne do it. She picked this one out and I like it. Since we do a lot of travel where they have palm trees, this is appropriate. Thanks DeAnne.

Our realtor has been buzzing that we may get a contract for the Hansville home. Let me explain. There is a family who likes this house, but they also like another house in Poulsbo. They actually like the other house better, so they put an offer on it. The offer they proffered was rejected out of hand. What the buyer wants is going to cost the sell a bundle. So, we told our realtor to contact the buyers and let them know that we would entertain an offer. Our realtor thinks an offer is coming this week.

My feeling on this. Don't be telling you seller something like this until you have it in hand. After waiting 10 months to sell, all this does is create anxiety. Who needs it. Just how disappointed can we be if it does not come through?

Monday, July 28, 2008

An Easy Weekend

Yup, another trip to Mount Vernon. Though this was a relaxing weekend. We had some weather come in and dropped a bit of much needed rain, so we pretty much sat around and read our novels. With regards to novels. I will pick up the latest novel by Riddley Pearson (Killer View) from the Kitsap County Little Boston Library this week and I will have finished reading the new books from my favorite authors. I am reading a novel by Brad Thor called Blowback. Want to see the coolest author's web site? Go to This is the fourth book by him that I have read. I will finish his remaining three books soon.

We did get out once and bought a much needed new set of cooking wear. The old ones were coming apart, literally. These babies should last a life time. Stainless steel and pricey. I hope the cook appreciates them. LOL We decided to have lunch at Applebee's after spending so much money. We had a gift card, so we thought it wouldn't be to bad. I guess we had used it once before as it had a grand total of $2.39 remaining on the card.

I guess the other things we did was look for a wheelbarrow spindle. That is the part the wheel rides on. The one on our wheelbarrow is shot. It does not appear that replacements exist, so it looks like at some point, we will need to by a new one. Why only pay for a small part when you can buy the whole wheelbarrow? You can find replacement wheels, but not the spindle.

Oh, our Hanesville house was shown on Saturday by a realtor who has shown it once before. No offer yet, but at least someone is looking at it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What, Mount Vernon Again

We are back from our weekly trip to Mount Vernon (MV). We watered the flower beds and lawns as they were pretty thirsty. It looks like the lawn will go dormant as we are unable to water through the week. I did mow and edge, but that was all the lawn work that was done.

Friday, we got up, had breakfast, and drove down to see if we could find the roses we needed for the memorial rose garden and we did. Brandi planted and mulched them leaving room for Aunt Stell, who is just waiting to cross over. At least we did not get the call this weekend. She is feisty and that is the name of the rose we have selected for her. I guess we stopped at the library first and I was able to pick up two new books from my authors including, Moscow Rules by Daniel Silva and Compulsion by Jonathan Kellerman. Finished Moscow Rules in two days. Hey, I am retired. Brandi finished the book Sail by James Patterson. I had finished it a couple of days earlier.

Saturday, we got up, had breakfast, and went down to see the movie Black Night. I know there is a lot of positive talk about this movie, but I frankly saw little redeeming value in it. Gratuitous violence would not describe the stuff that takes place. There is one scene where they show that mankind can fine humanity in tough situations, which was a good thing. I think the hype is for Heath Ledger.

After the movie we did some grocery shopping, which needed to be done for both houses and pretty much read our novels. Needless to say, we did not do our planned bike ride. Maybe next week.

On Sunday, we attended a community church that Brandi wanted to check out. Nice building. Not to ostentatious. The Pastor did a nice job with the sermon in both content and presentation style. The worship team was not as good as the team at Bayside Community Church in Kingston, but it is a smaller unit. I guess I got my hackles up a bit when the worship team leader was talking about having lunch with a Mormon friend (who sounded like he was having a crisis in faith). The worship team leader talked about giving a free will offering after suggesting the LDS Church forced tithing on it's membership. I suspect he and I will have a talk some time soon if we stay at this church. I hate it when other faiths talk about us when they know nothing.

On our way out of MV, we stopped at the library where Brandi picked up a couple of novels for her read. We then headed down to our friends Michael and Susan's house in Everett where a barbecue was planned. We got there and met their friends. Michael works as an engineer with a Boeing contract company. Michael has several friends from different parts of the world. His workers at the barbecue came from England and Brazil. I am moving to Brazil. I can't think of a time when I have been that close to women who are out of this world beautiful. Incredible brown eyes and the rest was pretty incredible as well.

I got to play a couple of games of horseshoes. I am telling this because I won both of the games I played. Though Mike's pits are the pits (grass landing zone instead of sand), I was able to get some early scores and was able to hit the winners before my opponent.

I guess that is all for this weekend update. Oh, our Hansville house was shown on Friday. Yea!!!! No feed back as of yet.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A weekend away-again

Today is Thursday and we are heading up to Mount Vernon again. No surprise there. This weekend will be unlike the others though in that we will not be doing much yard work. It is likely I will have to mow and edge the lawn, but no real back breaking things to do.

But before we go up, we will be having lunch with friends Jim and Gail. They are the parents of the bride Kelly whose wedding we attended on Saturday evening. Well done by the Marriott on the Waterfront. I was not keen on the pastor. Seemed overly anxious and tended to sway during his part. Oh, we are having dinner at a little restaurant in Kingston called the Main Street Ale House. Yup, they do serve adult beverages.

I know too that we have to go to Flower World in Maltby to look for roses, but I don't remember if we are doing that after dinner or coming back down from Mount Vernon. Brandi has made it part of her gardens in the past to make a memorial rose garden for those in the family that have crossed over and that includes pets as well. We have some roses that are missing for those already gone. Either before or after, we will be getting some roses.

So, getting back to Mount Vernon. We will go to the library to return her book that she finished last night and I have to pick up a book by Jonathan Kellerman titled Compulsion. I am slowly working through my authors new books. It is a bit difficult staying up with James Patterson though. I think Saturday morning, Brandi and I are going to take our bikes down to the valley floor and do a bike ride on a very flat piece of road. It runs along the highway and is flat and straight for a couple of miles. Should be a good training ride for some old legs.

One final thought with regards to the results of baby Natty's CPT conference. Actually, I can't write my thoughts as they are hardly Christ like and could be taken as terroristic threats directed at one small, stupid, and self serving bureaucrat in Mr Larson. To make a unilateral decision that goes directly against and entire team speak volumes as to why this state has so many huge mistakes and legal issues with regards to child protection. He should have his social work license removed for endangering his clients, that would be Natty. My only hope is that the team will step up and write the letters that need to be written for a favorable appeal.

I want this little girl in my family. I have to come to love this little muchkin and she will be a wonderful granddaughter to have. And she could not have more loving parents in Jenny and Michael.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Again with Mount Vernon

Well, we will be off to Mount Vernon this afternoon. In route, we will stop and see our financial advisor and discuss the changing stock market and best where to put the green stuff.

Glad to say the vertigo is getting better. The room spins for a little when I lie back, but I look at it as a cheap ride.

We will be in Mount Vernon for only tonight and until Saturday morning. It should be enough time to get the mulch down and mow if need be. We are attending a friends daughter's wedding in Seattle. The wedding and reception are being held at the waterfront Marriott later in the afternoon. Should be a nice affair. I know the bride will be drop dead gorgeous. I've know her and her parents since 2000, and have come to know her personality is as beautiful as is her outside.

This will give us a chance to attend our churches down here. Something we have not been able to do is some time. A chance to see good people.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pop, Bang, Boom

Well, our trip to the Mount Vernon home did not turn out as expected. Of course it was the 4th of July and all the pops, bangs, and booms were going off as I am sure they were in your respective neighborhoods. Our problem was with Eli. It seems, for some unknown reason, he was more agitated with the noise and colors than in years past. I could tell by his panting that he was getting worked up. I had enough of his barking and charging the bang, so I decided to take him for a ride.

I loaded him up and took him off the hill. Our first stop was at Safeway where I filled up the gas tank to a fine tune of $57.23. We then went over to the shopping mall by Home Depot, which is pretty far from any residential areas. I could still see the flairs and here some pops, but I had the music on and Eli laid down and slept some. Well, about 10:15 P.M., I was feeling pretty tired and decided to head up to the hill hoping most of the banging would be done. Not.

We got in the house and "BANG!". Eli went nuts. Now Brandi is asleep, so I wanted him to be good. I laid on the floor with him and we played roll ball/ fetch. This seemed to take his mind of the popping. It got quiet for a bit and I laid back and actually fell asleep, that is until the next boom sent Eli nuts again. So, we played some more. I was able to lie on my side with head on my arm for awhile. At some time around 11P.M. I had had it and when up to bed.

Upon rising from the floor, I could tell that I had some vertigo. Now, I have had this in the past and it usually hits me one of two ways. One way is when I lie back the room will spin, and this last for a brief time. The other type is when my head feels like a 600 pound ball and whichever direction my head goes, there I go. It is this type that came upon me with a vengeance.

Through the night with my necessary trips the bathroom, I swayed like a drunken sailor aboard ship on rough seas. In the morning, I found my way into my reading room and tried to read, but is was not easy. Oh, I should mention that I awoke with this walnut size feeling of nauseousness, but didn't think much of it. Brandi came up and asked me if I would like something to eat and I did, but not anything big. I asked for an English muffin and a Chai. Well, as it turned out, we did not have any muffins at the house, so she went down to Hagen's and picked up muffins and a Chai from Starbucks. She also talked with a pharmacist who directed her to pick up some motion sickness pills.

She returned, gave me two of the pills and a little water. Down the hatch and not 10 seconds latter, that little walnut size nauseousness came a calling. Needless to say, I will not go into detail. Fortunately, it was quick, violent, and final. No other issues with that.

I ate my muffins and drank my Chai and that was good. The real bite of all this is I was unable to do anything this weekend. That means my plans of getting the mulch down did not happend.

The only good thing that happened was Brandi picked up a new Robert Crais novel that I had on hold at the Mount Vernon Library. Since I could do nothing but sit, I finished it in one day. A good read and was fun to get back to the characters of Elvis Cole and his very lethal side kick Joe Pike.

We are now home and I am still locked into my vertigo. Yea. Oh, and we still own two houses. Not so good.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mount Vernon Update

Well, another weekend in Mount Vernon has come and gone. We have accomplished one thing and that is we got all the dirt into the big garden bed in the rear of the home. Brandi is now planting. We also got the pond in place and edged it with stone from Millard's Nursery.

We also finished the stone work in the front of the garden as you see it this shot. It was a lot of work and we still need to put down some bark/mulch. We are using this product instead of the typical beauty bark that most use. It is supposed to maintain moisture better. We will do the bark next weekend. I fetch it while Brandi plants what needs to be planted.

This is a shot of Mount Baker in her glory. We actually see less of her from our Mount Vernon home because of our close proximity of the foot hills. You will actually see more of her from farther South on I-5.

We had a welcome respite on Saturday evening. Our neighbors Stephanie and Tim invited us down for a barbecue where we consumed some really great food and met other neighbors and friends of Stephanie and Tim. We did not stay long as we needed to get into the shower.

Sunday we went to my church and then we made a dash for a church that Brandi wanted to check on only to learn that during the summer months, the meeting begins at 9:30 which puts in 30 mintues into mine. Next week we will attend this church to see what it is about.

Oh, still no showings on our Hansville home and therefore, no sale.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pop Corn

Well, for those of you who think cell phones are not dangerous in any way, take a look at this. Just copy and paste in your browser:

Second Amendment

If you do not know, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a vote 5 to 4 that the citizens of Washington, D.C. can and do have the right to own (or bear) weapons. That is the correct ruling based on how the Second Amendment reads in the Constitution. The issue is that four of those justices voted against. One vote the other way and our right to bear arms would have been in serious trouble.

Why is this important? If Obama is elected, he will likely replace a majority of Justices on the court and appoint many more judges around the country at various levels. If the liberals in this country get hold of the courts, this country will no longer be what it is today and kiss your Second Amendment good bye.

These are the same liberal judge that gave us gay marriage in Massachusetts and California. It is these same judges who gave us abortion on demand and will give the right to partial birth abortion on demand as well. Ah, does anyone not know what partial birth abortion is? If you don't, think about a new born that has come into your life recently. Imagine that baby's feet still in the birth canal, and then a doctor, if you can call them that, takes a scalpel and sticks it in the brain stem of the baby instantly killing it. Now, for the sake of learning. If you take that little baby in your life and kill it, you will be convicted of murder. In the liberal mindset, the difference in partial term abortion and murder is the matter of location. Since the baby is still within the mother, it is not murder. Why, because abortion is a legal procedure.

Look at history and fine a culture, nation, or dynasty that has survived that practiced infanticide.

You won't find one.

Sorry if the above was to graphic. Your vote counts.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunny Mount Veron

Well, another weekend has pasted in Mount Vernon. We continue to work on the big garden bed in the rear of the house. Brandi placed the first row of stones that give the garden shape and we unloaded another truck load of garden soil. Talk about arm busting, whew! She also did some more planting of both flowers and some veggies. I also mowed and edged the yard. I can cut the entire lawn, front and back, and not have to empty the bag but once. Nice!!!

The area we worked on this past weekend is to the left in this picture. You see the fruit trees and new walkway into them. We also placed her little pond, a must. That area has 8 yards of garden soil coming on Friday afternoon. Farther out is a nice shot of the park behind our house. Once that soil is in place, most of the work will be Brandi's. I will help put the mulch/bark down after she plants.
This is the trellis we put up last week for the Evergreen Clematis. This is right in front of our dinning room window, thus providing privacy.

Friday night we were joined by Ann, a colleague of Brandi and Ann's daughter Melissa. Melissa is a 16 year old soccer player from Bainbridge Island and she and her team mates were up in Burlington for a soccer tournament. Melissa's team won two games and will return on Sunday for the championship. Oh, should I mention that Melissa is Eurasian and is drop dead gorgeous, and has personality as well. Both Ann and Melissa were fun to have. Team picture after winning the championship. Milissa is kneeling bottom left.

Saturday, we did some shopping and went over to Christensen's. It is a big nursery where Brandi bought more perennials. I walked around and looked at pots and plants. Yawn.

For the first time since going up to Mount Vernon, we did not go out to eat. I have picked up some type of stomach bug and will not tolerate much food. Soups and crackers for the most part. I do think it is getting better.

We attended church on Sunday and both Brandi and I had some difficulty sitting for the 90 minute service as our bodies were really hurting. We managed to stay away from Remington and family(see June 15), though we met Katelyn, Braeden, and Ryan. Little Katelyn is just a little talker and mom likes to talk to her about keeping quite, but does so in a conversational voice. Not one meant for Sacrament meeting. Oh well. Oh, we had one of the ward families sing a special musical number and they have 8 children. I'd tell you their names , but I don't have a program or ward roster, therefore, I can't think of how to spell the family name. It is not a common name. We also learned that Remington's family has 6 with one in the oven. Typical Mormon families.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Visit With Ethan, Jared, and Michelle

Jared, Michelle, and Ethan came over this weekend and spent time with us in our Mount Vernon home. Ethan has changed so much since I last saw him in February. He is less shy, comes over and gives nice hugs, and kisses. He is so sweet and cute. He is going to be a lady killer when he is grown.

Friday, Brandi and I had dinner at Olive Garden. I had my soup and salad sans tomatoes. No tomatoes due to the current problems. Later that evening, Jared and family arrived.

Saturday was a day of labor. We continue to work on the flower beds in the back yard. We hired a couple of teenage boys to finish the sod turning. They earned their money. Then Brandi and I planted our cherry trees and an assortment of grapes, and raspberries. To do this, we had to put two pickup truck loads of dirt in.

Sunday, Jared, Michelle, and I attended my ward, the Mount Vernon First for sacrament. I have concluded, that I must find a different seat away from Remington. He is a little three year old who is unable to keep his lips sealed or sit still. Michael will remember him as he was all over Michael last week. Good meeting, though they have seemed a bit slow in coming to welcome new people.

We came back to the Hansville house Sunday afternoon taking the Edmond to Kingston ferry. Here is a picture Jared and Ethan. We tried to get him to do "I'm on top of the world", but he put his arm down just prior to me shooting this shot.

All in all, a wonderful weekend. Couldn't have had better weather. Finally.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Visit From Natty

Actually the visit was with Michael and Jenn, but little Natty stole our hearts. She is just a cute little bug. A smile that lights up the room and your heart. She is very bright, inquisitive, and trusting. Wherever we took her, she just drew people to her and was loved. She is special and I do not doubt that her progress in this life has been made better by the love of Michael and Jenn.

We had a good visit and Michael said he slept okay, even though he and Jenn had to sleep on the air mattress. As we are still two home owners, we can't move all the furniture up to Mount Vernon.

Saturday was a bit grey in the morning, but we had sun later on. We decided to run up to Birch Bay, which is about an hour from the home in Mount Vernon to check out our WorldMark and Diamond International time shares. They are actually right beside each other. The Sand Castle is the Diamond International facility and is quite, quite nice. I would stay there in a minute. The WorldMark facility is not as posh, but very well put together and would be very comfortable to stay at.

Oh, on Friday before Michael and Jenn got in, I moved the remainder of the garden soil around to the back and Brandi planted more flowers and bulbs. we still have lots of sod to turn over, dirt to move in, and wall stones to move into place. Then we get to do the front bed.

We are happy that Jared, Michelle and Ethan are coming over next weekend. It would be nice to have sun.

Still waiting for some pics of the house from Brandi to come across and then I will post them.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another weekend in Mount Vernon

Just a short note regarding our trip up north to the Mount Vernon home. We worked hard in putting down some flower beds. Brandi is turning over the sod. I get the dirt and mulch for the beds and help move it around from the truck to the beds in the back of the house. She distributes it where she wants it, plants the flowers, and then mulches. Then we both ache for a couple of days.

We did go to Olive Garden. We usually do an eat out after working so hard. She doesn't feel like cooking and I don't cook, so eating out is fine for both of us.

We each finished a novel we were reading. She finished Patterson's 5th Horseman and I finished John Sandford's Phantom Prey. I think it might have been his best Prey book to date. Oh the 5th Horseman is the 5th book in the Women's Murder Club. It is the new series on TV. The books are better, of course.

I will be posting some pictures of the Mount Vernon house, I hope in a few days.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting better

Well, it appears that I am on the mend. Though I still have a cough, now and then, it seems to be waning. I am also able to sleep again.

I have posted pictures from our trip to Mazatlan. I am still waiting for some pictures from Brandi to come across. These are some she shot and I liked. She has some of the Iguanas that I particularly like.

We are off to the house in Mount Vernon this weekend. We have some chores we need to complete, specifically putting down some bark/mulch in the flower beds. I will take some pictures of the new house and post them on the blog. I know that some of you have seen the house, but oh well.

Saturday, I am going to the Mariners game with a friend and his partner.

We had a couple look at the Hansville house twice, but they elected to take a house up the road. It cost more, but "has a better view." Of course they will have to spend about 8K to put in the rockery and yard, so let them. I not bitter though. LOL

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mazatlan 2008

Two days prior to leaving for our trip to Mazatlan, I started coughing and have not stopped since. I actually spent most of the first three days in bed. No energy at all. Those first three days consisted of eating and going back to bed. What a bite.

We stayed at our time share at Pueblo Bonito, Emerald Bay. I will post some pictures in a few days. We did nothing but lie around by the pool, or bed in my case, eat, and read. I took three books with me, but only finished two. Partly due to my health and I just couldn't get into the main character in the first book I started.

Brandi did her 1000 piece crossword puzzle which is a tradition and she walked on the beach collecting her little sea shells (oh joy!!). Just what we need.

We met several folks from Washington, which is usually the norm.

Weather was warm, but enjoyable. Lots of sun, but with a nice off shore breeze to provide a break of sorts.

The worst part of the trip was coming back through LAX. It is the pits, always. We finally got home around three in the morning.

Well, that is it for now. I will work on the pictures over the next couple of days and get them posted.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Daddy Pat's Reading List

I suspect that those who know me, know that I am an avid reader. I love the wordmanship of these authors and their ability to hold the suspense while at the same time, placing the characters in both real and make believe settings around the globe.

I thought I would share my list of authors. I want to thank my friend Angie, who back in the early 90s, got me back into reading. Thanks Angie for reawakening that passion.

So, here is my list: Jeffery Archer, David Baldacci(complete works(CW)), Bret Battles, Steve Berry(CW), Lawrence Block, Dale Brown, Dan Brown, Tom Clancy, Shelly Johnson Choog, Harlan Coben(CW), Michael Connelly(CW), Robert Crais(CW), Jeffery Deaver, Nelson Demille, David Ellis(CW), Leif Enger, Ian Flemming, Vince Flynn(CW), Ken Follett, G.M. Ford, Joseph Finder(CW), Frederick Forsyth, John Gilsrap, Tim Green, John Howard Griffin, John Grisham, Brian Haig(CW), Robert Heinein, Jack Higgins, Geg Isles(CW), JA Jance(CW of the Beaumont series), Tim Lehaye/Jerry Jenkins(CW of the Left Behind series), P.D. James, Jonathan Kellerman(CW), James Ketchum, Eric Larson, John Le Carre, Dennis Lehane, Robert Ludlum(CW), Erick Van Lusbader, Phillip Margolin, Neal A. Maxwell, Steve Martini(CW), Dean Koontz(CW), Michael Palmer, Robert B. Parker, Robin Parrish(CW), James Patterson(CW), Richard North Patterson(CW), Ridley Pearson(CW), Don Penelton, Larry Niven/Jerry Pournelle, Chirstopher Reich, John Sandford(CW), John Saul, Irwin Shaw, Daniel Silva(CW), Robert K, Tanenbaum(CW), Brad Thor(CW), Leon Uris, Stephen White.

To date, this list includes over 535 novels.


Thanks to my daughter DeAnne, I have been able to add music to my blog. I have included artists and their songs that I like, of course, and show an eclectic taste in music. My next two big jobs will be to learn how to add to this playlist on my blog and how to add slide shows of my pics. That way I can share our trip photos.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The mouse in the house

Well, the cats did their job this weekend. We came home from Mount Vernon and found the mouse who lost it's battle of survival. Really grossed me out. I had to have Brandi take care of the remains. No way was I touching that thing. Yuk!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Mouse in the House

For those of you who know that we have two cats and their names are Spice and Rusty. They are mousers and I think Rusty has brought a nice fat, black mouse into the house. I have learned one thing, if you use a trap and it does not work, forgetaboutit. They are very quick learners and will avoid the trap or traps in my case.

I have placed some poison under the sink and I am hoping like mad that he eats and dies.

We had a mouse problem on our track in Vietnam for a while. We rigged a blasting cap, peanut butter, and a battery. Suffice to say, we had no further mouse issues.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If I were president

1. Pull all military troops on foreign soil back home. Then militarize both borders to curb illegal entry
2. Curtail all immigration, find the those who have over stayed their visas and send them home. Would resume immigration until the above are in place. Drop citizenship for children born in USA. Establish a criteria of eligibility for entry into the US (what do you bring in for this country/)
3. Curtail all spending until budget is balanced
4. Initiate a government sales tax to reimburse the Social Security Trust Fund then pay down national debt
5. Sever all relationship with Saudi Arabia
6. Open Anwar and the oil fields in South and North Dakota
7. Reduce income tax on middle income families to 10 per cent
8. Increase spending on CIA, FBI, and Border Patrol agencies
9. Means test all government give away programs (the rich do not need Social Security or Medicare)
10. Develop nuclear energy to fuel the country so oil can be used for transportation
11. Reduce taxation on Social Security to the very minimum
12 Require the development of alternive fuel automobiles (like India's compressed air cars)