Daddy Pat's Music

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Change in the Weather

Wow! Two days ago, I was sitting by our community pool soaking up some rays with the temp at about 80. For the past two days, it has been in the 60s, gray, and wet. Yesterday we had winds up into the 30 mph range, which made the temp feel more like 50 degrees. Looks like more of the same today.

If you noticed, the background on this blog changed. I noticed that all of my children's blogs had some cool background and I thought I would get one. Well, being the dimmest bulb in the chandelier, I had to have DeAnne do it. She picked this one out and I like it. Since we do a lot of travel where they have palm trees, this is appropriate. Thanks DeAnne.

Our realtor has been buzzing that we may get a contract for the Hansville home. Let me explain. There is a family who likes this house, but they also like another house in Poulsbo. They actually like the other house better, so they put an offer on it. The offer they proffered was rejected out of hand. What the buyer wants is going to cost the sell a bundle. So, we told our realtor to contact the buyers and let them know that we would entertain an offer. Our realtor thinks an offer is coming this week.

My feeling on this. Don't be telling you seller something like this until you have it in hand. After waiting 10 months to sell, all this does is create anxiety. Who needs it. Just how disappointed can we be if it does not come through?


DeAnne said...

Yeah, I hope that it's not a false hope. But it would be really exciting for that to happen. I really want you guys to sell that darn house so you can stop being so crotchity :) J/K

I'm glad you like the blog background. I did pick this tropical one because of all the traveling you guys do.

Have a great day!

Us and Them said...

Prayers are heading your way. I hope this realtor is not blowing sunshine your way with the hope of true to speak. We would love for you to sell that darn house too. Then we can relax on real furniture in Mt. Vernon when we come to visit. Could you imagine all of us trying to get comfortable in that house with the furniture you have there now! Nuts...we would have to pull straws for who gets a chair.

Love you and keep us posted. *smooches*