Daddy Pat's Music

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting better

Well, it appears that I am on the mend. Though I still have a cough, now and then, it seems to be waning. I am also able to sleep again.

I have posted pictures from our trip to Mazatlan. I am still waiting for some pictures from Brandi to come across. These are some she shot and I liked. She has some of the Iguanas that I particularly like.

We are off to the house in Mount Vernon this weekend. We have some chores we need to complete, specifically putting down some bark/mulch in the flower beds. I will take some pictures of the new house and post them on the blog. I know that some of you have seen the house, but oh well.

Saturday, I am going to the Mariners game with a friend and his partner.

We had a couple look at the Hansville house twice, but they elected to take a house up the road. It cost more, but "has a better view." Of course they will have to spend about 8K to put in the rockery and yard, so let them. I not bitter though. LOL

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mazatlan 2008

Two days prior to leaving for our trip to Mazatlan, I started coughing and have not stopped since. I actually spent most of the first three days in bed. No energy at all. Those first three days consisted of eating and going back to bed. What a bite.

We stayed at our time share at Pueblo Bonito, Emerald Bay. I will post some pictures in a few days. We did nothing but lie around by the pool, or bed in my case, eat, and read. I took three books with me, but only finished two. Partly due to my health and I just couldn't get into the main character in the first book I started.

Brandi did her 1000 piece crossword puzzle which is a tradition and she walked on the beach collecting her little sea shells (oh joy!!). Just what we need.

We met several folks from Washington, which is usually the norm.

Weather was warm, but enjoyable. Lots of sun, but with a nice off shore breeze to provide a break of sorts.

The worst part of the trip was coming back through LAX. It is the pits, always. We finally got home around three in the morning.

Well, that is it for now. I will work on the pictures over the next couple of days and get them posted.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Daddy Pat's Reading List

I suspect that those who know me, know that I am an avid reader. I love the wordmanship of these authors and their ability to hold the suspense while at the same time, placing the characters in both real and make believe settings around the globe.

I thought I would share my list of authors. I want to thank my friend Angie, who back in the early 90s, got me back into reading. Thanks Angie for reawakening that passion.

So, here is my list: Jeffery Archer, David Baldacci(complete works(CW)), Bret Battles, Steve Berry(CW), Lawrence Block, Dale Brown, Dan Brown, Tom Clancy, Shelly Johnson Choog, Harlan Coben(CW), Michael Connelly(CW), Robert Crais(CW), Jeffery Deaver, Nelson Demille, David Ellis(CW), Leif Enger, Ian Flemming, Vince Flynn(CW), Ken Follett, G.M. Ford, Joseph Finder(CW), Frederick Forsyth, John Gilsrap, Tim Green, John Howard Griffin, John Grisham, Brian Haig(CW), Robert Heinein, Jack Higgins, Geg Isles(CW), JA Jance(CW of the Beaumont series), Tim Lehaye/Jerry Jenkins(CW of the Left Behind series), P.D. James, Jonathan Kellerman(CW), James Ketchum, Eric Larson, John Le Carre, Dennis Lehane, Robert Ludlum(CW), Erick Van Lusbader, Phillip Margolin, Neal A. Maxwell, Steve Martini(CW), Dean Koontz(CW), Michael Palmer, Robert B. Parker, Robin Parrish(CW), James Patterson(CW), Richard North Patterson(CW), Ridley Pearson(CW), Don Penelton, Larry Niven/Jerry Pournelle, Chirstopher Reich, John Sandford(CW), John Saul, Irwin Shaw, Daniel Silva(CW), Robert K, Tanenbaum(CW), Brad Thor(CW), Leon Uris, Stephen White.

To date, this list includes over 535 novels.


Thanks to my daughter DeAnne, I have been able to add music to my blog. I have included artists and their songs that I like, of course, and show an eclectic taste in music. My next two big jobs will be to learn how to add to this playlist on my blog and how to add slide shows of my pics. That way I can share our trip photos.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The mouse in the house

Well, the cats did their job this weekend. We came home from Mount Vernon and found the mouse who lost it's battle of survival. Really grossed me out. I had to have Brandi take care of the remains. No way was I touching that thing. Yuk!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Mouse in the House

For those of you who know that we have two cats and their names are Spice and Rusty. They are mousers and I think Rusty has brought a nice fat, black mouse into the house. I have learned one thing, if you use a trap and it does not work, forgetaboutit. They are very quick learners and will avoid the trap or traps in my case.

I have placed some poison under the sink and I am hoping like mad that he eats and dies.

We had a mouse problem on our track in Vietnam for a while. We rigged a blasting cap, peanut butter, and a battery. Suffice to say, we had no further mouse issues.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If I were president

1. Pull all military troops on foreign soil back home. Then militarize both borders to curb illegal entry
2. Curtail all immigration, find the those who have over stayed their visas and send them home. Would resume immigration until the above are in place. Drop citizenship for children born in USA. Establish a criteria of eligibility for entry into the US (what do you bring in for this country/)
3. Curtail all spending until budget is balanced
4. Initiate a government sales tax to reimburse the Social Security Trust Fund then pay down national debt
5. Sever all relationship with Saudi Arabia
6. Open Anwar and the oil fields in South and North Dakota
7. Reduce income tax on middle income families to 10 per cent
8. Increase spending on CIA, FBI, and Border Patrol agencies
9. Means test all government give away programs (the rich do not need Social Security or Medicare)
10. Develop nuclear energy to fuel the country so oil can be used for transportation
11. Reduce taxation on Social Security to the very minimum
12 Require the development of alternive fuel automobiles (like India's compressed air cars)