Daddy Pat's Music

Thursday, July 31, 2008

One in Hand is Better Than a Maybe From a Realtor

What do you know? The buyer who might proffer a contract on our house was in fact turned down by another seller, but they did not come back to us, they put another offer on some other house. The result of this is Brandi feeling crushed. Thank you miss realtor. DON'T TELL ME SOMETHING MIGHT BE COMING!!!!!! So the wait continues.

As another weekend comes upon us, we are heading up North. We will have guests this weekend. Kristi, Michael, and Hunter will be spending the weekend with us. Michael is participating in a shooting match held in the foot hills of Mount Vernon. It is trap shooting. That is they shoot at clay disks. Michael won $300.00 dollars last year, though it did not cover the entry fees. But a win of any size is a good thing.

My main focus this weekend will be to find a piece of polished steel to use as a new spindle for the wheel barrow. I think, if I can fine it, then I can buy a new tire with bearings, and we will have a very good wheel barrow.

Not really sure what Brandi will be up to except playing with Hunter. I do know that both of us will do some reading. Later.

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